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DT 25,852 2 claire 15th February 2009, 09:30
» by claire
cryptic confusion 1 poppy 15th February 2009, 06:26
» by trevor
DT 25852 3 cici 15th February 2009, 03:57
» by darlodave
Daily record 14/2/09 1 jean yeoman 14th February 2009, 23:29
» by jimc
Newcastle Evening Chronicle 3 geordie kermit 14th February 2009, 21:30
» by geordie kermit
Telegraph 2 pauline 14th February 2009, 17:11
» by robert
DT 25,852 desperate 13 bella 14th February 2009, 16:18
» by ash
RT 8 7 laura 14th February 2009, 10:44
» by gina
DT 25,851 17across : my last one 4 desperate 14th February 2009, 10:42
» by caravaggio
Information required 2 jerry 13th February 2009, 19:39
» by jerry
Without a clue, help please some more 7 gary 13th February 2009, 17:58
» by trevor
Times 24,148 4 jerry 13th February 2009, 15:40
» by jimc
daily mail today - 12-02 3 walshie 13th February 2009, 10:59
» by jimc
local xword help please 3 bill 13th February 2009, 10:57
» by kena
Mail on Saturday c/w - Explanation 4 sue 13th February 2009, 06:17
» by royston bowden
Help 4 lee 12th February 2009, 22:23
» by trevor
RTE Guide. Can i use your grey matter? 0 rufina stephenson 12th February 2009, 16:24
» by rufina stephenson
Times Jumbo Crossword No 799 6 pete barrow 12th February 2009, 16:23
» by pete barrow
chewing gum 5 lolly 12th February 2009, 11:48
» by lolly
Small fry 4 herzog 12th February 2009, 09:09
» by herzog
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