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The week 635 2 chaz 2nd March 2009, 07:43
» by chaz
Times cryptic jumbo 802 2 trevor 2nd March 2009, 03:00
» by trevor
MoS c/w no: 1373 Thanks Jim 0 rufina stephenson 2nd March 2009, 00:58
» by rufina stephenson
MoS c/w no: 1373 1 rufina stephenson 2nd March 2009, 00:26
» by jimc
DT 25,864 20 ash 1st March 2009, 23:24
» by big dave
Saturday times2 jumbo no 802 9 brownowl 1st March 2009, 22:39
» by john (from arran)
what papers got the best cryptic crossword ? 10 micky 1st March 2009, 20:02
» by  (7, 4) = missing clue
Times Jumbo Cryptic 802 2 marnie 1st March 2009, 18:49
» by marnie
times 24161 4 odurhamccc 1st March 2009, 18:18
» by paulinep
IMOS 2 toastcake 1st March 2009, 17:40
» by toastcake
last clue 2 catherine 1st March 2009, 13:57
» by catherine
The Week 6 julia 1st March 2009, 12:32
» by chaz
DT 25,864 3 claire 1st March 2009, 09:17
» by claire
Sat Times 24161 2 jimk 1st March 2009, 08:48
» by jimk
Saturday Times 24,161 8 diana 28th February 2009, 17:53
» by jerry
Me again!! 1 phil 28th February 2009, 16:26
» by phil
D.T. 25864 3 ellen 28th February 2009, 13:07
» by ellen
DT 25,864 2 paul 28th February 2009, 12:46
» by paul
Crossword Competition 3 ash young 27th February 2009, 20:45
» by ash young
Linked clues that aren't actually linked. 4 pooksahib 27th February 2009, 19:55
» by pooksahib
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