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22nd February 2025, 02:15
Enigmatist invariably strikes fear into my heart, and with good reason. I found this very tough, despite getting one of the long ones early on. Very satisfying to complete it though, and with some laughs along the way, the biggest and naughtiest of which was 2d, which is therefore my COD.
FOI 15, LOI 4.
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22nd February 2025, 02:48
Fear indeed. I’m still struggling.
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22nd February 2025, 02:49
Oddly, 4 was my FOI.
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22nd February 2025, 03:02
I took a look, and after a first run through I had nothing. So I went to the quick cryptic just to check that I my crossword skills hadn't completely deserted me. Once there I terrified myself with my first ever DNF there: just one clue, but still), so I think I'll have to put Enigmatist on ice until later when the hangover has abated, and I've been on my weekend run.
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22nd February 2025, 03:25
Plutocrat, I had a similar experience. Only one solved on my first run through. But I kept chipping away and have only rogissimo’s favorite left to solve. Never heard of 6 but finally managed to piece it together from the clue.
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22nd February 2025, 07:39
darla - 6 was my very early long entry. Fortunately it’s within my field of knowledge, but I did the think that the construction was both beautifully clever and (for this setter) relatively untricky - unlike 2!
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22nd February 2025, 07:55
I’d add that there are several other candidates for my COD, and that 2 perhaps appealed too much to my Pauline side. I would also throw my LOI 4, 6, 12, 14, 16 and 19 into the mix, for a start.
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22nd February 2025, 08:25
45 minutes and just 20a answered!

Can anyone help me on a slightly different matter? I subscribe to the Guardian, but I always print out the puzzle so that I'm not hogging the paper. For the last few days the computer attached to the printer hasn't given me the "Print" option, so I have had to print the (smaller!) pdf. The print option still appears on other computers I use, so how do I get it back on the printer one?
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22nd February 2025, 08:39
Chrise it sounds like a browser issue have you tried switching into another?
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22nd February 2025, 08:48
Thanks for the suggestion, justsolve, but we use the same browser - Chrome - on all the computers.
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