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23rd February 2025, 01:13
For those feeling a bit deflated if you found this a bit on the difficult side, it's worth remembering that Enigmatist also occasionally sets the Listener crossword in the Saturday Times. This is considered by many to be the most difficult cryptic crossword puzzle among all the daily and weekend newspapers.

If you fancy having a go at one of them I think his last was Listener 4819 (8th June 2024) entitled By George and was extremely enjoyable.
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23rd February 2025, 02:20
Very pleased at my decision to leave this, ostensibly due to a hangover. Turns out I wouldn't have been able to fill in 80% of the clues, even with all the crossers in place. And for 5 of the clues they were things I'd never even heard of, so I wouldn't have known if you'd given me all the letters!
The Everyman put me in a much better mood.
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23rd February 2025, 06:48
Brendan, interesting you mention the Listener as his “m’colleague” also sets for the Times.
In fact, following a quick look at their respective ‘meet the setter’ articles, they both also set in the FT, Independent and Telegraph.
So they are “m’colleagues” several times over!
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23rd February 2025, 08:06
Finally got there, but agree one of the toughest for a while.
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23rd February 2025, 10:37
Finally got there with an enormous amount of help from forum, Google ,Chambers and word search! Yes took a lot of time but I’m fortunate in having the time to do it. I have learned new words , increased my knowledge in diverse areas and hopefully kept my brain active for a while longer. So many candidates for COD 22a, 6d, 13a are just a few.
FOI 12a
LOI 24a
Enjoyable — no , but an entertaining academic exercise!
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23rd February 2025, 11:09
Just found my last one - 6d. I am pretty good with “scorers” but this was a nho.
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23rd February 2025, 14:34
Pleased I persisted with this as some good clues in the end. Thanks to the help from the forum. I did enjoy the parsing for the scorer clue albeit never heard of the answer !
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23rd February 2025, 14:58
Tonystock your comment on scorer clue — absolutely spot on , wish I had thought of adding that to my post.
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23rd February 2025, 15:01
I solved this one by seeing it as a rather perjorative (and unfair) reference to the recently retired Bishop of Worcester. I'm glad to find out that it wasn't!
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23rd February 2025, 15:05
(That was in 19A) my phone really doesn't want to talk to the forum today.
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