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4th February 2025, 19:31
Opt0 I think post numbered 43 (& 71) may be of assistance to you.
91 of 98  -   Report This Post


4th February 2025, 19:33
And 88 (nice one espebe).
92 of 98  -   Report This Post


4th February 2025, 22:12
Yes 88 is a very helpful pointer to the genre. I would have “liked it” if that was allowed in this forum. Sister twister might have been a better title but nowadays maybe person twister would be more PC.
(I hope it is late enough in the week for such a strong hint but please delete if I have said too much).
93 of 98  -   Report This Post


5th February 2025, 11:12
Many thanks, Unclued, Smithsax, Espebe, Dodgepot, Jbird54 and Son1ofrover1. I had got as far as the forename, but Googling that with what I thought were other significant words did not yield the surname.
94 of 98  -   Report This Post


5th February 2025, 11:36
Thanks to dodgepot at 89, I have finally confirmed the inventor. I had actually come across the name in google searches on Sunday but couldn't see the connection. An obscure and ultimately (IMHO) disappointing endgame.
95 of 98  -   Report This Post


5th February 2025, 13:19
Thank you dodgepot. I think the apparent theme is misleading as at first site is seems to be about words only - completely wrong there. Also the "possible participants" are just very general - not directly relevant to the answer.
If the theme had been, for instance, about the Grand National then naming random horses rather than winners of the race would be about as obscure.
I thought the grid was good.
96 of 98  -   Report This Post


7th February 2025, 12:10
Very much enjoyed the gridfill, have done the moving and the highlighting. Still can't figure out the inventor despite having what I think must be the first 8 letters based on the hints on here. Much googling hasnt helped.

Ifor's a funny setter. When he gets it right his puzzles are excellent. But too often he spoils them by making an element of the endgame just too obscure.
97 of 98  -   Report This Post


9th February 2025, 23:42
Really peeved by this one. No idea about the endgame, which is pretty disappointing after a pretty hard puzzle. And I was stuck for a good few hours trying to fit the answer to the incorrect fifth clue! So to get this far and be met with such obscurity is bad form I think…
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