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1st February 2025, 21:18
I paid more attention this morning, and now I have it. Drxx, please thank your wife from me, for allowing you to spend the time to get me over the line.

Once you have the inventor, it all makes sense, including the highlighting. But I am in awe of those who can get the inventor at all quickly!

To me that's a major flaw in an otherwise good puzzle.
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1st February 2025, 22:42
Wow! Hats off, Ifor.
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2nd February 2025, 07:16
Like many others it seems I am struggling with the step of identifying the Inventor and thematic effect. I've read the parse at 4, but I'm afraid that I am too dense to even understand what is trying to be communicated there.

I'm hoping that the magic of posting will work in finishing this off, but if not would anyone be able to provide some more assistance?
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2nd February 2025, 07:19
You can send me an email and I will get you over the line
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2nd February 2025, 07:35
cypherhouse - if it helps I can describe what got me over the line

I knew that this was something that involved various participants of a certain type (as mentioned in the message too) and thought that one other word in that message was likely to be particularly relevant too due to what you had to do in the grid to show the “effect”.

I then thought about things that involved those two things with bits potentially moving as in the grid
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2nd February 2025, 07:36
Would prefer a hint to the inventor that isn't a cryptic parsing of the message....
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2nd February 2025, 07:39
Thank you for the offer Jordan. I've just managed to sort it out.

A truely great puzzle marred by a truely terrible clue phrase. The penultimate word in particular is an annoyance to me as it does little for the cryptic clue OR the description of the effect. I also spent far too long assuming that the clue was of the valid cryptic sort (ie with a definition) and that the final word described the inventor.

Come to think of it I'm not sure what the first word does to describe the effect either.
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2nd February 2025, 07:41
Thanks to you too Candledave. I see what you are saying in hindsight.
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2nd February 2025, 08:24
With thanks to Jordan for a much more understandable hint, I now have the inventor and the peace of mind that what I had done is correct, A clever puzzle spoilt for me by an impenetrable hint, due to no definition, and a random list of possible participants that proved to be equally unhelpful. Perhaps a list of possible enactors would have been more helpful?
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2nd February 2025, 09:33
Solved half the clues, enough to make a start on the grid, but that’s all.

Given that the endplay is very difficult it’s time to bail and leave it to cleverer people than me.
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