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18th January 2025, 11:43
So the last two cells of the first answer and the first two cells of the second answer overlap. One cell contains a single letters common to both answers, the other contains the remaining letters of both answers
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18th January 2025, 11:45
In my example, the G was the cell containing the letter common to both answers, and the following cell contains EAR and LOBE
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18th January 2025, 12:16
Great example, dodgepot! Worth studying closely if anyone is stuck on how the overlap works.
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18th January 2025, 12:30
I am having the same problem as kindred2 with how to enter 11/6. Is there a definitive online answer? Really don’t want to have to buy the OED for this.

I presume the remainder of the thematic title is not to be entered in the same manner as the start.
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18th January 2025, 12:32
Could someone please give me a nudge for 21a? I have the middle two letters, but none of the possible entries seem to fit the clue (and I know the extra word in the clue).
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18th January 2025, 12:33
No need to buy it, candlestick. Google 11/6 and the dedicatee…

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18th January 2025, 12:54
Def is charge.

Discovered Bond = 2 letters

One (royal) = 2 letters
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18th January 2025, 13:30
Thanks h1982 - just the 2nd part of 6d and both parts of 14d to get now. Also struggling with the penultimate word of the instruction. Will soldier on - not asking for further help (yet).
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18th January 2025, 14:18
Have done this, dodgepot, but am none the wiser (although possibly better informed, as F E Smith's barbed remark to a judge has it!); am I right in assuming the dedicatee is the creator of the grey cells? Off to the library with kindred!
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18th January 2025, 14:35
Greengage, my advice to kindred2 was on the basis that was his sole remaining query, and he had the correct title. Once you have the right dedicatee (and it’s not the one you offered) it will all make sense.
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