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21st December 2024, 20:13
I enjoyed that but found it challenging despite beinbg an opera critic! Definitely a few composers there I hadn't heard of.
41 of 61  -   Report This Post


21st December 2024, 20:19
Thanks Buddy and Prospero. I hadn't thought of G for "government" but it is in Chambers, nor of the four-letter word for PA.
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21st December 2024, 20:19
I only made a cursory scan of the puzzle so far.
Got only a few composers, but surprised to see that the "avant-garde" is represented by at least two, one of whom is *really* surprising ("Cross Corrie" etc). 😲
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21st December 2024, 20:25
In addition to the Greek and the German avant-gardistes, there's also an Italian, a French one and a couple of relatively contemporary Brits. Have you found the Roumanian yet?
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21st December 2024, 20:28
No, thanks. Just starting a serious effort. Only the Greek and Italian so far. Looking forward to the search, because the Roumanian who comes immediately to mind would be a real shocker.
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21st December 2024, 20:29
well, pulling teeth would be a litotes for that. Finished at last but no clue about the ladybird ... I suspect Maskerade must have been using a spot of google unless his knowledge of contemporary and classical music is extraordinary!
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21st December 2024, 21:00
3 letter abbreviation for car tax, usual Latin 4 letter word for "other things", then Google the result
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21st December 2024, 21:14
Thanks barretter and A1Philosopher for your replies. You are of course correct. I had the middle composer on the 14th row wrong.

The clue is 'Infection lacks salve initially'(3). My solution was ILS. I checked and found from Wikipedia:
Illian Walker, better known as Ils or iLS, is an English musician.

I thought this was the answer.

Having solved the third clue in 5 down I am confident that the composer is Japanese. Could some kind soul know help me the parse the clue. What is the infection?

Tomorrow is another day and I'll move on to the next stages

Thanks again

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21st December 2024, 21:19
No, the infection is of the eye and the composer is an ancient Brit.
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21st December 2024, 21:20
I believe it’s a common eye infection with a letter removed as per the clue
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