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Crossword Help Forum
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20th July 2024, 19:06
Have found crosswords difficult for last few weeks , managed to solve with help from you guys but I much prefer it when I complete it on my own.
Success! Thoroughly enjoyed today , very clever clues linked to interesting theme.
FOI 1d
LOI 26a
COD 27d —clever and amusing!
Agree with comments about 22d —still not sure I follow the explanations but thanks for them and to Kite for a demanding but enjoyable crossword.
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20th July 2024, 19:16
Thanks for the help chris but I'm still not seeing it. Since every solver will have the answer, would it be giving anything away to be more specific for a thickie like me?
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20th July 2024, 19:22

I seem to have a different crossword 29440 .....
Mine is by Paul, am I Missing something... It's Not the 1st April

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20th July 2024, 19:24
See earlier. The .pdf leads to the wrong puzzle. Solve this one online, on the printout, or even in the paper!
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20th July 2024, 19:38
22d, though involved, is precise. We start with a two word phrase for class act, then remove two letters. However, as there are two instances of these two letters in the starting phrase, the wordplay directs you which to remove. “Not the first time” means remove the first instance of T. Similarly, “Ignoring principal head…” tells you to remove the first instance of this letter.
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20th July 2024, 19:44
Thanks jono.
You say "involved", I say "cumbersome".
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20th July 2024, 19:57
Message to roof.

You're probably out by now and having a good time. Keeping going with the crosswords is what will keep the brain going.

Hang on in there. There's always a helping hand on here to get you through.

Have a good evening everyone.
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20th July 2024, 21:06
Thanks Rocky

Just back from an enjoyable performance by young people of "As You Wish". We're all Princess Bride nuts in this house.

I'll try and get back in the zone.

I think I might need more help. Just trying to fathom the hints for 22d! If only I could think of the synonym for "class act".
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20th July 2024, 21:12
Ta Chrise

Am a fan of printing off automatically but I'll take your advice cheers Martin
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20th July 2024, 22:56
Well, once again, I'm surprised I finished. It has taken me hours and I've not done the ironing. Though I'm not sure about the parsing of lots of them. And I didn't know that 26ac meant curry. I suppose it does in the sense of curry favour. I'd also never heard of 13d and 7d. I didn't do classics at school. I'll have lots to discuss with my friend in Sheffield tomorrow.

FOI 1D closely followed by 19ac.
LOI 16d, though I'm not sure I've got the right answer
COD 8d

I hope we have an easier puzzle next week.
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