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15th April 2024, 22:14
It's a testament to. No it's not it's a testimony to.
161 of 339  -   Report This Post


15th April 2024, 23:12
The BBC weather woman said "We are being ENveloped...." -stress on the first syllable.
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16th April 2024, 07:44
Yes, I hear 'wrongly' stressed syllables frequently on TV and radio. One that particularly grates is pastORal. I have always assumed pASToral, but I sometimes doubt myself nowadays.

There was a good letter in the Times the other day arising from 'haitch' for 'aitch' (mistakenly trying to sound posher), as pronounced by the University Challenge presenter. The writer opined that she wasn't so bothered about his haitches as his dropped t's which sound lower class - 'I don't mind mistakes but affectation grates'. I have noticed that Sunak drops t's as did another public schoolboy, Tony Blair, though possibly not so much now that he is not trying to get elected. George Osborne was another, but to their credit I think Cameron, Johnson and Rees-Mogg remain true to their upbringing.
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16th April 2024, 17:24
The pronunciation that really annoys me is harassment, with the stress on the second syllable. I have even heard newsreaders using this. Guess which country this came from!

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16th April 2024, 17:52

I agree about Pastoral as in the symphony. The dropped t's are annoying, as are dropped "ch"s as in "aritect", as the presenter of a property show says instead of architect. I think this is North-east nonsense.

I have given up Univ Chall as I cannot understand the presenter, who gabbles and mumbles, apart from the aitch problem.

I agree about the politicians you mention.

Interesting that some non - central "t" droppers, drop a t to give the ridiculous "...a big ask" instead of task. The ones I hate most are "opporuniy" and "irriaing"

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16th April 2024, 17:53

yes that is as bad as "homarrrrrge"
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16th April 2024, 18:21
I too would not consider pastORal, nor electORal nor tempORal, which have also recently crept in. Anyone who said “the pastORal symphony” when I was at school would have been given detention.
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16th April 2024, 18:38

Isn't 'a big ask' just another way of saying 'asking a lot'?
I think it's just coincidental that the phrase is most often used in association with a task to be achieved
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16th April 2024, 19:13

I suppose you are right but it annoys me, as I regard "ask" as a verb. Also, "the stand out performance". What is wrong with outstanding? And I hate upcoming which does not exist.
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16th April 2024, 20:26
I passed oral french. Can't remember how I pronounced it though.
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