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13th October 2020, 12:55
All solved but don't understand the final part of the end game. Have the thematic middle name. Do we 'expand the colouring slightly' by deleting the cells in that shape outside the already coloured square (the letters in those cells appear to have no thematic relevance) and filling in with the same colour? Or do we put a line of the required shape in the same colour around the square - or even around the grid as a whole? The instruction at the end of the preamble seems to me oddly ambiguous and imprecise in contrast to the rest. Maybe I've misunderstood something!
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13th October 2020, 13:49
I expanded the highlighting by the minimum amount to suggest the necessary shape without including any more letters, because only the original 4 letters represent that title (the final shape of the highlighting doesn't affect the representation at all).
I think the highlighting should form a solid, because a line suggests something other than a ... to me.
72 of 89  -   Report This Post


14th October 2020, 10:28
I have done everything except 22ac. Got the man and titles but can't get Japanese landscape. I'm only 2 letters missing and can't find anything in Chambers. I think misprint is in penultimate word . any hints much appreciated.
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14th October 2020, 10:32
Brassmonkey, the first half of 22 A is an anagram (hit), the second half is the first three-letters of a track event, a track event in cycling...
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14th October 2020, 10:40
Thanks Malone, got it immediately, never thought of cycle track, all filled in now
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14th October 2020, 10:44
Brassmonkey, glad I could help. At the weekend, I spent too long mulling on the javelin and the discus and stuff like that!
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15th October 2020, 13:44
Only started this yesterday, but have now got through it - successfully I believe. Testing at times, but very enjoyable.

It doesn't effect my completed grid but, on a matter of principle, could someone please explain the second part of 41 Ac :- "such as one seen in rounded mount". I have got a bit hung up on the word "Inselberg" (defined in Chambers as "a steep-sided round-topped mount" but cannot see any connection to the poetic answer I have which I am sure is correct.
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15th October 2020, 13:46
eg 1 in scale reversed
defn is 1st 4 words (poetry)with the misprint changed
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15th October 2020, 13:58
Many thanks xwordfan. I failed to think of rounded as backwards.
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15th October 2020, 15:13
What does the abbreviation PDM, as used in these posts, stand for?
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