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9th October 2020, 16:09
Time will tell...
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10th October 2020, 01:48
I can see a famous name emerging (remember Boney M?) but I've got an E for the third letter which doesn't match with the way Wiki spells it.
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10th October 2020, 04:30
18a - there is a word that that means "salt" that ends in the same last 5 letters that I've got but it's a 7 letter word not 6 - that leaves 2 options according to Chambers but I can't see why either would be the right answer?
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10th October 2020, 04:31
Cancel that - I've got it right word but can't see the parsing.
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10th October 2020, 07:17
Brendan, from your query on the other thread...

There's only one bit of colouring. If you 'expand' it, all three names will begiven, depicted, in the one place.
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10th October 2020, 07:21
Hi Malone,

Do you mean to draw a circle around the 4 cells forming the square of his name?
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10th October 2020, 07:25
Brendan, i was planning just to stretch my colouring all round the square, so that I'd end up with a circle. I suppose that's the same as 'drawing a circle'.
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10th October 2020, 07:36
It's just that "slightly" seems a tad out of place when everything in else in the puzzle is so precise.

Thanks Malone.

PS. Following the solving of the clue, after the grid has been amended for the third title, 15a doesn't appear to be one single real word (it is a place name but is that the same thing?) as per the preamble.
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10th October 2020, 07:49
I must have amended the grid in a different way to you by changing a different word but now not sure whether what I have done is correct.

What have others done?
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10th October 2020, 08:02
Place names count as real words, Brendan, so I don't see a problem here.

Candledave, the third title is 8, 2, 6 and the second word necessitates the removal of the 6.

Perhaps we need to colour in the middle name with a contoured effect to male it look 3-D?

I was going to ask if, in the light of Norah's recent plea to avoid duplicate threads, we should try returning to one weekly Listener thread. This discussion shows that we do need them both, after all!
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