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8th June 2020, 12:33
Lumen, for the LHS of 11 A, your thoughts on 'singers' are correct. 'Pink' gives a five-letter word (colour), insert the usual abbreviation for 'hearts'.

On the other side, the first letter is not given by wordplay.
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8th June 2020, 13:32
lumen - I could have been clearer with the middle word. Two different synonyms should help - for the first 3 letters, 'plus' for the rest, a fish we often see in crosswords (when it isn't 'heather').

Wordplay on the right side of 11a = 3 letters for (small) island + (dialect) 2 letters for 'river'/water channel [all reversed].
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8th June 2020, 16:46
Thanks Malone and Drxx, been offline for a few hours, ready to finish this now.
I hope.
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8th June 2020, 18:23
Finished now.
Pretty obscure stuff! Think I preferred Listener this week, but wouldn’t have had a chance of finishing either without search engines.
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