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7th June 2020, 16:19
I think the appropriate form refers to a punctuation mark between the second and third letters?
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7th June 2020, 16:37
Hi Loge, it would be a great help if someone with an SOED could assist in identifying the mysterious boat. It would probably mean simply saying what the blooming thing is though. Meanwhile I'll have to see if it's downloadable like Chambers is.
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7th June 2020, 16:38
Thank you, Loge. That seems a sensible compromise.
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7th June 2020, 16:39
granama1 - if you're old enough: which twin needs the ....? Of, if you are going to Belfast, say you are going (2,2) Now I need help. I can't get any sort of handle on the other two in Row 1. A hint?
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7th June 2020, 16:54
As far as I can tell SOED isn’t downloadable (for free). Believe me I tried, before starting this thread!

Cockie, the next two words after Belfast form the clue for 1 across on the LHS.
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7th June 2020, 17:09
TONI is the boat.
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7th June 2020, 17:13
...but I tracked it down online, so haven't actually seen the Dictionary def (it's a canoe shaped passenger boat with sail, from India).
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7th June 2020, 17:27
Thanks drxx, didn't this crop up in a recent circular Listener? Certainly there was another rather rare boat involved.
Am I right in thinking that the three components of Row 1 boil down to siren/going off/boat?
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7th June 2020, 17:28
That’s correct, Granama1.
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7th June 2020, 17:29
You could be right, granama1 - but my memory gets wiped after a month or so!

I think the wordplay for 1ac is -
synonym for 'siren'/temptress (for the V word) synonym for 'throw in' (for the short A word) + synonym for 'rope' - a Scots word ('tarry-breeks' is Rabbie Burns' sailor) which together give a synonym for 'going off'.
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