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3rd June 2020, 20:27
Nikki, it does end in I. For the second word, think of a generic synonym for 'penny buns'
71 of 98  -   Report This Post


3rd June 2020, 20:41
Thank you so much for untwisting my brain, Mattrom. I have been going around in circles, but now it makes sense!
72 of 98  -   Report This Post


3rd June 2020, 21:40
And, after all this struggle, I have tried to submit the form, was cut off half way through, and got the message thanking me for my submission!
I think there will be one less entrant in future months!
73 of 98  -   Report This Post


4th June 2020, 10:55
After a lengthy struggle I'm left with 2 which are driving me nuts:
17ac and 23d.
For 17 I have the crossing letters and have taken note of what little's been said about this earlier but still no joy : Is the definition at the beginning or the end? A nudge hugely welcome.
With 23 I've checked all lists of what I take to be the definition and found nothing that fits the bill. I'm pretty sure of the two letter addition in the first cell and that there's another somewhere and i have the first letter of 26 ....
74 of 98  -   Report This Post


4th June 2020, 11:16
Aspira, 17a def. is 'crop plants' (large ones). German insert.
23d. has a 3 letter French insertion taking 2 cells.
75 of 98  -   Report This Post

jack aubrey

4th June 2020, 12:20
My last unsolved one is 13a. I have H?theme? Several possible answers but I can’t make anything fit possible definitions. No doubt I will kick myself in due course.
76 of 98  -   Report This Post


4th June 2020, 12:27
Jack, think commonest def of busby and add a two letter insert
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4th June 2020, 12:48
mattrom - many thanks! 17 cracked now and good kicking administered to self!
23 continues to annoy. Are the final two cells an obvious abbreviation of the definition? Someone said earlier that two cells are occupied by symbols. The first one looks Gallic and two-lettered - but the other? There don't seem to be any political affiliations that fit the bill. Or am I barking up the wrong tree or just barking?
78 of 98  -   Report This Post


4th June 2020, 12:51
the two final cells are an abbreviation of the first word of the clue. The figure is French. The Confederacy American
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jack aubrey

4th June 2020, 13:18
Thank you aspria. Thorough kicking in progress! I was trying to find something much more devious/obscure and completely missed the obvious!
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