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2nd June 2020, 15:18
I haven't got a clue on any of these. If I could find the answer to one of them then I might be able to answer some of the others but at the moment I'm clueless !
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2nd June 2020, 15:21
what specifically do you want help with?
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2nd June 2020, 15:32
My way into this was with 5d which has the wordplay, contained in the clue itself, to be entered as first 5 cells, the 6th to be filled 'figuratively', thus spelling out the definition. Once I got this, 1a followed. The rest was slow going but worth persevering with...
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2nd June 2020, 15:40
Thanks for your help but I think this is all beyond me... I'll wait until next month..
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2nd June 2020, 16:18
There are a large number of queries I have (I have only done just over half of the answers at this stage) , but I wonder whether I am on the right track with the following.

11A Is the key INS?

13A Why is bearskin OF, or isn't it?

22A What should I be looking for with the six initial letters I have? I suppose I need one letter, followed by a two-digit number ...

And yes, Hamish is unambiguous ... just tortuous!

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2nd June 2020, 16:22
Pendragon, you need three letters for 22 A. I'd apply the term more to houses, rather than Ikea items...
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2nd June 2020, 16:28
11a - yes
13 - bearskin becomes something very generic
22 - your six letters are right - now you need a (German) insert
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2nd June 2020, 16:38
Thanks, prospero and malone. My German only goes up to ten!
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3rd June 2020, 08:58
Finally got 4d (unparsed) and 13a. I knew OFTEN didn't parse, gave the def but not the wordplay. Then I came up with BRONZE which gave the wordplay but not the def.
Super puzzle, thanks Hamish/Soup.
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3rd June 2020, 09:57
Down to the last few now but I just cannot get 27a. I have all the crossers (to avoid being spoilerish, they are L, special character, E and C but not in that order) and have tried putting the sequence into Chambers with a variable number of letters towards the front of the solution, but am getting nowhere. I'd be very grateful for a nudge please, nothing too explicit, thanks.
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