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3rd June 2020, 12:22
Very quiet in the cafe .
Yesterday a vicar, a priest and a rabbit came in.
When the rabbit was what he would like to order,
he said he was only here due to autocorrect
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3rd June 2020, 12:39
Cerasus -

A woodcutter comes from the south, looking for work.

The forester says he's not interested but the woodcutter says give me a chance.

"OK" says the forester and hands the woodcutter an axe.

With a single stroke the woodcutter fells a small tree.

The forester says "impressive" - and asks him to try with a bigger, older tree.

Again he fells it with a single stroke.

The forester says "OK, here's a really big tree" - and sure enough the woodcutter fells it with a single stroke.

The forester says "OK you've got a job - but where on earth did you learn to cut trees like that?"

The woodcutter says "In the Sahara Forest".

The forester says "you mean the Sahara Desert?"

The woodcutter replies "Well it is now"
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3rd June 2020, 12:46
KT17 and Cerasus - thanks for those, very amusing!
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3rd June 2020, 13:08
error in my post
*was asked what ...

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3rd June 2020, 14:13
As soon as cricketers threaten to start playing again ... the rains arrive - it`s just not cricket !

The farmers and gardeners are smiling though.
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3rd June 2020, 14:55
Two hunters relaxing in the forest around a campfire.

They see a Grizzly Bear in the distance heading directly for them.

One hunter starts pulling on his shoes: the other says "are you crazy? You won't outrun a Grizzly!"

"No" he replies, "but I can outrun you..."
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3rd June 2020, 14:58
You remind of the story of the Emergency Operator who gets a call from a hunter.
"My friend has just collapsed - I think he's dead. What should I do?"
"First, make sure he's dead."
The operator hears a shot.
"OK, now what?"
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3rd June 2020, 15:21
Very good ChrisE!

I have another story about a bear and a hunter but I think it's probably too rude for this very polite café!
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5th June 2020, 14:26
I added a question to Mabuied's odd post that no-one had time to answer before Norah deleted it. I'll repeat it.

What is unique about the boa constrictor?
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5th June 2020, 14:47
The only creature whose name is the same as its Latin name
( answered by me in January 2019) :-)
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