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30th May 2020, 09:11
Just a quick visit . Hello all
Harvest Mites definitely bite ...I had over 70 bites from them after a picnic at Dancing Ledge (a lovely spot on the Jurassic coast) way back in the 1960's. I remember daubing them with Calomine but the itching lasted days.
I now have "Leylandii rash" (my name for it) on my arms, after spending 3 days cutting the hedge. So I am here for a rest, a coffee but no cake. Have a good day
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30th May 2020, 09:14
nice to hear from you, jazzgirl

i've recently had a mishap involving a wasp nest. the stings were bad enough, but the allergic reaction to "anthisan" was much worse!
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30th May 2020, 09:17
Hello Chris
I usually use Anthisan, but this time, Savlon worked .
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31st May 2020, 17:07
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31st May 2020, 17:13
Hi Jazzgirl, ChrisE, anyone else who's having a quick latte, flat white, mug of builder's tea...

Jazzgirl - 70 bites! Good grief, that sounds even worse than some of the attacks of the killer beasts (midges) of Scotland. Your 'daubing' sounds a bit better than the slathering, larding, which was my mother's technique.

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31st May 2020, 17:40
CAFÉ FRAPPÉ please. Merci......
For cerasus and anyone having problems with nasty biters :
Moisturisers seem to act as a deterrent - don't take my word for it - the Royal Marines apparently use Avon skin so soft dry oil spray to repel Scottish midges .
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31st May 2020, 17:42
Yes, I've heard that about "Skin so soft", jazzy!
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31st May 2020, 20:21
ChrisE, I thought I was being hypersensitive when I thought that Anthisan made things worse and no-one believed me! Now I use MooGoo irritable skin balm and it sooths bites of all sorts..,which is just as well as a few bites and I look like the elephant man. I don't react well (:o(

Quite relieved to know that my reaction to Anthisan isn't unique.
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31st May 2020, 20:28
Hi granama1
We have some great stuff we bought in New Zealand called "Soov". Unfoitunately it's almost used up, and it doesn't seem to be available over here. I'll search MooGoo!
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1st June 2020, 14:16
ChrisE, they must know a thing or two about bites and stings down under - MooGoo is Australian. My local independent chemist stocks the range. Bought the Irritable Skin Balm after getting psoriasis, which it fixed completely (prescribed stuff didn't). Then found it worked on bites and has done on the rest of the household. Don't know which ingredient is the magic one but aloe, chamomile, sage and hops extract are involved!
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