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28th May 2020, 19:20
pasted from the old PCT - originally sent yesterday

Hello Rusty, are you out there somewhere?

I wonder how you are and how you are coping with your lockdown still stricter in Scotland
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28th May 2020, 19:24
also copy/paste from PCT - also sent yesterday


Hi, Rusty!

My goodness, it's a long time since we last talked on here, isn't it?
Pigale has decided to try to revive the thread.....she had to hunt back about 30 pages to find it!
I shall add my voice to hers.....
Why not join in, if you are about.....
I think everyone around would benefit from "chatting" together, especially at present.

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28th May 2020, 21:04
Hello all - I`ve just been out in the garden to acknowledge the kind applause from my neighbours - they insist on doing it every Thusday!
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28th May 2020, 21:08
Hello there, Tyke51. That was some applause - the one in my street lasts only five minutes!
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28th May 2020, 21:14
Hello Malone - I took the scenic route - there were fireworks as well tonight - hope you`re coping OK.
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28th May 2020, 21:28
Thanks, Tyke. Glad you enjoyed your evening. I'm fine - well, bored, desperately in need of a haircut, missing my trips to libraries, restaurants, cafes etc... 'Fine' is as enthusiastic as I can get!
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28th May 2020, 22:29
Grunger, I overlooked your post earlier. I'm sorry to hear you'll be leaving us. Your PU comments and anecdotes (and pies, and talks of pies) will be sorely missed. I'm hoping our PU thread will carry on. It's been quiet lately, but I felt at times that it'd be a bit incongruous to be complaining about apostrophes when there was so much 'real' stuff going on in the outside world.
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28th May 2020, 23:19
I do hope that this becomes inclusive, and something that people feel able to contribute to unlike the PCT which I found to very exclusive.Others could contribute but it was really a conversation between two people and therefore not, as I would have thought, in the spirit of the site.
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28th May 2020, 23:45
Hello Zozozo,

I too hope that everyone will feel welcome in this new thread, BUT
quite frankly, I never found the PCT exclusive! Anyone could join
and in fact all input was always welcome.
There were many times when a general conversation took place involving several people,


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28th May 2020, 23:50
oops, appalling English - must be tired!
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