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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 12:50
No problem Pigale but you can see why I was confused and even more so when Ash got in touch with me. Its all sorted now though, thank goodness.
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28th May 2020, 13:11
Hello Elle and Rusty!

You see, we can chat and have coffee and cake now!
Will you partake in it?
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28th May 2020, 13:52
I have just clicked! It is my own computer which is highly protected!

I installed Total AV and did not realise it would warn me in such cases as the one this morning!
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28th May 2020, 13:59

I think it is a mistake to ban @name threads. This thread will just become clogged up with personal messages that nobody is interested in.
14 of 88  -   Report This Post


28th May 2020, 14:09
Pigale, thanks. Yes, at the start of our lockdown, I felt really sorry for many people in flats, especially those with young children. I have family members who live in small flats, with only a small patch of outside space. They made sure to get out and about every day, weather permitting. They also got very inventive when it came to devising indoor activities and anti-boredom strategies. Now that life is marginally easier, it's great that the weather has been so benevolent!
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28th May 2020, 14:42
Hi, Norah!
It is an excellent idea of yours to start a new chat line, with a brand-new title!
Let us hope it does some good, and offers cheer, during these very difficult unusual times.
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28th May 2020, 15:14
Hi Elle, Yes, I agree - I am just sorry I created such a confusion earlier on ! I was genuine though, but got the wrong end of the stick!

Anyway, let's hope the coffee is good!
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28th May 2020, 15:40
With respect to jigjag at 14, I don't think @name threads are banned, just discouraged. And I think they should be. This thread is going to get clogged up with personal messages anyway; that's partly what it's for so that other threads can be about crosswords. And I think the @name threads appear exclusive and give an impression that this forum comprises a number of cliques which can be off putting to new comers.
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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 16:08
Orson and Jigjag

Orson, you are spot on. The rest of the Forum is for Crossword matters and this will be the only thread for chat, I do not want any @name threads at all.

It is quite acceptable to address a post in the Cafe to a particular person but the content should be of general interest to everyone. I do not want any cliques appearing.

If anyone is replying to a particular post, it's OK to mention the person's name and post number, as Orson did - Jigjag at 14. However, as mentioned above, the reply should be of general interest to all Forum users, there are no 'individual conversations' and everybody is welcome to join in at any time.

As regards 'personal messages', there are no personal messages on an open Crossword Forum, it is open to all.

SUMMARY - I'm trying to get a thread going where everyone feels welcome, they can chat about everything under the sun, there are no cliques and nobody is excluded. And be kind to each other.
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28th May 2020, 18:26

You say they are discouraged but Norah has banned them and confirmed it. I think this is a mistake. It will discourage friendly conversation rather than promote it. It is a sad day for me and I will not be posting again.

Best wishes to you all.
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