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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 09:23

For some time now I have been thinking of hibernating the PERSONAL CHATTY THREAD and creating a new chat thread. It was started under dubious conditions 5 years ago, it had over 3,000 pages and, as such, had become rather unwieldy.

Pigale revived PCT earlier in the week with Elle joining in so I think it’s now time to create the new Coffee and Cake Chat Thread. Welcome back, Elle, it’s always good to see old favourites pop in.

Please keep all non-crossword talk to this one chat thread, please don’t start any new personal threads particularly those prefixed by @name which have been popping up quite frequently lately.

Enjoy yourselves, set the world to rights but remember, please respect each other’s point of view, no falling out - let’s keep the Forum the friendly cheerful place it has always been (apart from the odd spat along the way).

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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 10:17
I forgot to add, please do not post any Crossword related matters in this thread, it has been set up purely for chatting. Please post your Crossword queries elsewhere in the Forum. Thank you.
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28th May 2020, 10:26
Off to have coffee and attempt Popmaster now!
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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 11:15
Nice to see you Chris, I've no idea what Popmaster is!

I've slightly renamed the chat thread to include the words THE CAFE, which means we can refer to it as the Cafe in any discussion, the old thread was called PCT and I felt we needed a similar single word for the new thread.
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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 12:03
Please do not post in the old PCT thread, there is a problem with it loading new pages.

Contrary to what Pigale says, I have not warned her about this new thread, there appears to be some confusion somewhere. Pigale, please let me have a copy of the warning you received.

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28th May 2020, 12:06
see my comment on the pct, norah and pigale
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norah (admin)

28th May 2020, 12:19
How peculiar but I'm glad we've solved the problem, it was quite correct I hadn't sent Pigale emails from my personal email address before but it does seem very over zealous.

This Cafe thread is fine. enjoy the coffee and cake.
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28th May 2020, 12:20
Hello, ChrisE, Norah, Pigale … and everyone else.

I'm pleased this is 'The Cafe' thread - I might not have joined in on a day when I preferred tea and biscuits to coffee and cake!

I hope everyone's enjoying decent weather. I find a bit of sunshine quite heartening, and it makes the present restrictions slightly more tolerable. It's much easier to 'stay alert' if I'm only going as far as my back garden.
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28th May 2020, 12:35
Hello Malone,

I agree with what you say but throughout the lockdown, I have always felt so sorry for families in a flat, with perhaps 2 or 3 kids, not being
able to go our for more than an hour, as it was then,
Can you imagine what it must have been like for a famiy of 4 or over stuck in a council flat?

but yes, sunshine is heart-warming, and let's hope it will stay with us during the whole Summer.
Here, we need rain, it has been extremely dry recently, and the Winter was not that wet nor snowy either, so farmers are complaining!
(as usual...)
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28th May 2020, 12:40
Norah, sorry I doubted it was you, but it struck me as so unusual, and we did have some problems on this site.
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