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29th May 2020, 06:26
Zozozo at #28. Good to see you. I've liked your username since I realised it could be translated into Yak Yak Yak!
31 of 88  -   Report This Post


29th May 2020, 07:51
I may drop by for a coffee sometime, but garden work is awaiting my attention. The mozzies have arrived....bites galore !
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29th May 2020, 11:44
Hello, Cerasus. I hope all the garden work's been done, without injury. I don't like insects of any kind. I wonder why we all use 'mozzies' rather than 'mossies'? That has just struck me!
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29th May 2020, 20:49
Hello everyone. Really great to have a Cafe that is open and welcoming - thanks Norah.
I always log onto the Forum once I've finished the crosswords (Times & Sunday Times) in case there are any queries I can answer. I'm much too slow though - I think it's only happened once (in 5 years) that a query was still open.
Our challenge (in the Peak District) is not mozzies, or even mossies, but berry bugs. Their bite takes 24+ hours to show itself, then becomes an incredibly itchy hard red lump. Not to be recommended.
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29th May 2020, 20:52
Welcome alislc (how do you pronounce that?).

I've never come across berry bugs, though I'm not a million miles from you. Do they have another name?
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29th May 2020, 20:55
I've found them on Wikipedia. I didn't realise "harvest mites " or "red bugs" actually bit! I've usually just watched them scurry away.
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29th May 2020, 20:57
Hi Alisic,

I'm in the city so untroubled by such pests, although I'm pretty sure the day in the year when those ants with wings appear can't be far off:-(
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29th May 2020, 20:57
Hi, alislc, nice to see you. This is an excellent café - it's open 24 hours a day, there are no queues, no safe-distance measurements marked on the floor... what more could you ask for?

Some of us are quick to answer because we've often done the particular crossword earlier. The range of crosswords is good - some I like, some I don't … but other people are always there to help.

'Berry bugs' sound as if they'd be quite cute, appealing - their bites and itchiness don't!
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29th May 2020, 21:52
Hi Chrise, A local gardener called them berry bugs (Derbyshire name!) - but they're more commonly called flower bugs I think. They're small, but bigger than harvest mites. They like water and we have a small stream running down the side of our garden, so ideal conditions for them. :)
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29th May 2020, 22:35
Hello malone - I remember the zo from one of your spambuster clues. It was named after my cat who is sadly no longer with us. I look in here occasionally but have been pretty busy with work of late.
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