If anybody out there is reading this thread, there are some quite misleading comments. It is NOT true to say that the game could be finished earlier. Note that the last letters of the spare words in the last four clues are all "B", so this is the site of the denouement
ESTABLISH your columns A to G, obeying instruction in preamble about 4 cells in each "Square"
Drop your discs in the columns as indicated by the last letters of spare words, so 1Across = RECORD, so the first disc outline goes in column D and must be drawn in the bottom ROW, because, being Connect 4, that's where gravity takes it.
7Ac = ENGULF, so you draw a circle (diameter 2 cell widths) in the alternate coulour in the bottom row of column F
If you keep doing this, it takes you through EACH CLUE right up to 38Down.