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13th October 2019, 15:04
Unclued. Presumably meant to be Mon(day) 1st [day of the week], Wed(nesday) 3rd... but in that case flawed, because Monday is properly the second and Wednesday the fourth day of the week!
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13th October 2019, 15:07
Thanks both of you. I was thinking laterally enough!
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13th October 2019, 15:10
Iona, in 16 the extra word is sea.
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13th October 2019, 15:11
Ionacarr, I presumeyou meant 23 down

Spare word is "changing". Clue is one of those compound anagrams. Take the letters of Simon out of jumbled TIMELOANS and you are left with a four letter jumble of the entry defined by "after the due date"
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13th October 2019, 15:14
Ionacarr. Extra word in 23 is changing and the answer is a jumble of the letters of time loans minus the letters of Simon. Sea is the extra word in 16d.
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13th October 2019, 15:15

In 16Dn "sea" is the spare word. Reverse a 3 letter word for "feel sorry about" (French street) + a 4 letter vehicle (horse and..)
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13th October 2019, 15:18
Thanks unclued and turast. Yes 23dn, of course - I had 19ac as a mystery until I realised how 'fringes for example' worked. There are some very convoluted clues in this puzzle, although when you work them out (or see how other people have worked them out) they are entirely fair.
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13th October 2019, 16:21
Ignore my comment at #46. I was stupidly forgetting a crucial aspect of the game.
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13th October 2019, 16:52
Any help with the following clue would be very welcome. It is 24 down; one of the overlapping clues and begins with w as the word is a non-grid entry:-

24d. Religious adherent’s eagerness to Close pub up, any number inside drinking

Also I cannot parse the following three clues:-

14a ‘Piece’ of skirt’ is silent in tense talk

21 Western folk like films such as The Big Heat, without the Ford drama

25d Claim everything irrational - alpha’s omega, for a start
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13th October 2019, 17:02
24d w inn ing
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