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13th October 2019, 17:13
Thank you,Bunty. Think it might be wi-n-Ning though
61 of 99  -   Report This Post


13th October 2019, 17:28
14a. in talk = sounds like - a word for silent
21a NOIRISH without the drama -NO
25d alpha's = AS. everything = SUM irrational (number) E
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13th October 2019, 17:49
you're right casanova!
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13th October 2019, 18:05
Thank you essira. I don’t think I would ever have been able to parse 21a
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13th October 2019, 18:29
All done, a stunning construction. I just can't see the wordplay for 43. I originally had the answer as 'being' with its initial S being 'axed' but later realised that I needed an A from this clue. Thanks
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13th October 2019, 18:30
Ha! And I immediately see it as soon as I post.
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14th October 2019, 07:28
I have come to a grinding halt with the end-game for this puzzle. I cannot make sense of the last four letters of the first instruction, despite an earlier hint that they should be interpreted as three words. Also I cannot understand how to proceed with the second instruction. Any hints or help would be much appreciated.
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14th October 2019, 08:21
Casanova, the preamble tells us that the grid consists of 42 two-by-two squares, so there effectively seven columns and six rows. The columns are notionally A to G (the last four leters of the hidden instruction).

Each two-by-two square must have a disc inside it, using two colours to distinguish the two plays. The moves simply follow the sequence of the specified letters from the spare words, all of which end in one of the letters from A to G.
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14th October 2019, 09:01
Thank you murky for your lucid explanation. You have made everything a great deal clearer to me.
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14th October 2019, 12:33
I still cannot see how you follow the second instruction. Do you use different colours? Also does the second instruction entail that the required outcome would be achieved after one move? If that was not the case, how could you follow the instruction?
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