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12th October 2019, 19:05
Yes, I know ginge - but that wasn't the synonym used in the clue, so I thought it was worth mentioning.
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12th October 2019, 19:51
Thanks drxx.
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12th October 2019, 21:27
Hmm. Grid complete, got the CMSFWD words, got the two instructions and have complied. Worked out the result of instruction 1...can I translate it into what to do? Nope. No problem with the 7 lettered columns and have the spare words. Probably need to sleep on it.
33 of 99  -   Report This Post


12th October 2019, 21:44
granama1 - I found the endgame quite a slog (it's fairly easy to go wrong) so I circled the relevant material using differently coloured pens before I got started.
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13th October 2019, 09:24
Hi drxx, well a good sleep did the trick and sketched it out this morning and completed it with one hiccup. I missed the hyphen in 26d but the game-play showed that something must be awry. Have to say that it's an epic piece of setting when you see how everything has to come together.
Only one ? now, the puzzle title. It seems less cryptic than everything else!
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13th October 2019, 09:33
I'm still struggling with the SE corner and solving the final two overlaps. A nudge for 40ac or 30dn would be appreciated, ta.
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13th October 2019, 09:42
Planks, 30d is a combination of 2 3 letter words, one is sponge (for beer probably!) the other how you might react to something vile. 40a sounds like a couple.
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13th October 2019, 09:53
Please can someone help me with word three of the first instruction and also word three of the second.
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13th October 2019, 10:03
Just worked out the 1st instruction and done as it says - but don’t understand the last 2 letters?
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13th October 2019, 11:04
Thanks granama1, that helps
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