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2nd June 2019, 13:01
...half the battle seems to be knowing what's being looked for!
41 of 65  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2019, 13:10
My thanks to tonynanni and drxx. I've just got back in from walking round Shrewsbury so I'll give it another go.
42 of 65  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2019, 17:15
The grid is an astonishing construction, almost a work of art. The 90-degree symmetry must have been a huge constraint, but thematically it's absolutely right.
43 of 65  -   Report This Post


2nd June 2019, 18:12
Yes it is. And the long, choppy journey upto that point was quite thematic too (+ just a little nausea).
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2nd June 2019, 19:43
I am one of the people still struggling with this. Have filled in most of grid (though not sure how I came by some of the answers). Please could some kind soul tell me which are the 8 clues that required the cardinal points. I have only identified possibly 6a, 9, 21 & 23.
Thank you
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2nd June 2019, 20:03
You are right so far shellraine - I think the rest have all been mentioned earlier (18a 22a 32a and 4d).
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2nd June 2019, 20:43
Thanks drxx, I got confused reading through. I had seen the hint saying the across ones were in the order SENW, but then it said 22 and 32 were both e’s which would seem to mean that 6=S, 18=E, 22=E and 32=E? Sorry if I am being really dim.
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2nd June 2019, 20:55
The Es are letters to the side of the cardinal points - but I was probably overcomplicating things.
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3rd June 2019, 11:49
12a An unreliable person slipping right into a sleep (4) O?ER ower ??

the O came from 5d nono ?? which i don't see either...apologies if that's wrong!
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3rd June 2019, 11:57
Hi Scarlett,
I could be completely wrong, because I'm finding this puzzle very hard.
I had 12a as OWER at first from LOWER, but then spotted 8 d began F (ifIi'm right about that). So I presume the posh people are TOFFS. But then can't parse the clue.
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