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1st June 2019, 21:50
If it's any consolation sunray, it certainly felt like there were millions of them.
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1st June 2019, 22:03
That is why I am giving up, drxx.

Once in a while they have to publish a puzzle for the top 5% of the solvers.

Waiting for Azed today and EV tomorrow.
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1st June 2019, 22:24
It's really about how quickly you can flick through Chambers - every other word seems to have an obscure synonym!
It's quite a nice endgame once you get there.
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2nd June 2019, 01:24
This is the hardest puzzle I've tried for a long time. Hope to get some inspiration tomorrow as I am stumped.
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2nd June 2019, 01:42
drxx In 40+ years of doing crosswords, I don't think I've previously encountered 'Bp' for 'bishop'. That was holding me up, so thanks for the nudge.
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2nd June 2019, 08:50
I've got most of this, but cannot find the "E" clue among the acrosses. Can someone give me a nudge please? (I've "proved" to my own satisfaction that there is no clue with the required letters adjacent, so I've got something wrong somewhere.)
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2nd June 2019, 08:56
cockie It starts in the LH column, if that helps.
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2nd June 2019, 09:42
I've completed the grid, but don't understand how to find the required letters for the travellers. Could someone simplify the rubric for me please.
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2nd June 2019, 09:54
As well as bp for bishop in 1a, what held me up for a long time was the word "veg" instead of vegetable. I thought there must be some significance in that. I'm not saying it was unfair but it was an unnecessary spanner in the works and silly me for thinking clues were tightly constructed.

I'm about to give up, unless some kind person is willing to disclose which entries leave empty cells and/or which clues which four across and down clues have a cardinal point missing.
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2nd June 2019, 10:06
tonynannini - if you've changed the 2 letters you can see all of them, if not look for just two (there's symmetry to assist).
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