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7th May 2019, 15:51
I am having difficulty locating the two five letter words in the grid that refer to something other than the trunk or the lower extremities. These are the final 10 of the 38 letters that act as a guide to an attempt to draw the artwork. Any feedback would be appreciated.
71 of 79  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 16:07
Further to an earlier post to which Malone responded, I still don’t understand the logic behind the omitted letters. The name of the artwork is represented, bar 4 letters, sequentially in the left-hand column. The remaining 4 letters are randomly evident in the right-hand column. Is there anything further that can be revealed? If there is, I am at a loss.
72 of 79  -   Report This Post


7th May 2019, 18:33
Hi casanova, the 10 letters you're looking for are the other limb(s) X 4 with the 1st letter of the 2 either side being the same.
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7th May 2019, 18:43
As I understand it, Casanova’s query is about the 15 letters that spell out the name of the artwork. These can be found in the grid, not in clue order but reading row by row as stated in the preamble.

Thanks as ever to the members of the forum who have provided much-needed help. I spent several hours battling with the clues, producing just four four-letter answers, and then gave up. Last night, however, I took advantage of the hints and answers here, and it was amazing how quickly it all fell into place.
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7th May 2019, 18:51
Hi rad, I was answering his (earlier) post #71.
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7th May 2019, 19:06
Than you, ginge
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7th May 2019, 19:09
And thank you, radials
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7th May 2019, 19:10
I meant rad (auto-correct)88
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8th May 2019, 08:46
Thanks gem94, quite easy when explained. Sorry for the late reply, only logged on this morning as have been so busy.
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