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6th May 2019, 04:15
Thank you Unclued. It seems I've fallen down on one of the easiest clues in the puzzle. D'oh!
41 of 79  -   Report This Post


6th May 2019, 07:55
You and me both Turast, and I immediately entered it a row too high. The bottom of my grid is still a bit sparse, but at least i’ve put a down one in now...... on and on we plod.
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6th May 2019, 11:09
A bit of a roller coaster for me. Got the artwork in a few minutes before solving any clues by wilfully ignoring the preamble instruction and adding the across bars. They can only go one way and the pattern is obvious.
Then I beheaded a dory rather than a porgy and got an extra g which convinced me I was wrong.
All worked out in the end with a full grid but can’t parse Wise guy or Caribbean fruit.
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6th May 2019, 11:25
Caribbean Fruit...... MAY + [jun]E + S with second M omitted. I have about half a dozen that I can't parse.
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6th May 2019, 11:27
Sorry, I put the E in the wrong place there but hope you get the picture.
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6th May 2019, 12:01
Ha - I saw dory too! And the 'sous' with an omitted 'u' caused me no end of bother until I spotted another possibility - happily all finally resolved. For anyone like me struggling with the final instruction (and no set of dividers) I found that a bottle of Tesco bleach had the perfect radius. Other brands are available ....

Another tough but excellent Listener.
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6th May 2019, 12:08
Smithsax, the 'wise guy' is Solon, the Athenian law-giver. The parsing is typically abstruse: for 'behind' think of a learner who is SLO(w) + N. The other O is one of the letters omitted from wordplay.
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6th May 2019, 12:14
All finished bar some parsing (and a few omitted letters), but I managed to stumble over the line as I had sufficient to make sense of what was required. So, just to set my mind at rest, could anyone tell me how the following parse please. In all cases I have the answer but there are bits of their wordplay that I just can't see. Thanks.

ACROSS clues starting
Wise guy
Tete a tete
Good girl

DOWN clues starting
North African
Reputable girl
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6th May 2019, 12:23
Sorry, missed one, the DOWN clue starting Obstinate.
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6th May 2019, 12:30
For wise guy, see below.
Tete a tete - a sofa in the form of an S, hence ESS; (n)ESS
Good girl - seems just to be that Agnes means 'good'; very weak, I thought
Doctor - OR in MB + (V ILL I reversed) + (f)IRS(t); U is missing
Relaxing - anger is a SIN, placed in E.G. ('as'); A is a missing letter

Emmy - Alan ALDA; odd letters, reversed
North African - GERS with G displaced
Reputable girl - HON + O + R; A is missing

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