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3rd June 2018, 11:38
Sorry to clarify by medical I mean biological/anatomical before I get accused of misleading anyone. What a slog that was at the end.
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3rd June 2018, 11:52
Saoralba 55

24 is the plural of a headword, though not explicitly given as such, which is often the case.

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3rd June 2018, 11:56
It is a singular, I think. The plural would be g—-nets. I assumed it counted as a proper noun.
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3rd June 2018, 11:57
*-ntes, that should be, had it not auto corrected
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3rd June 2018, 11:58
Rad - yes, but it was the singular noun that I was asking about.
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3rd June 2018, 12:03
Saoralba, for 8. the gathering of people is a BEE
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3rd June 2018, 12:09

In my Chambers, 12th edition, giga is a headword meaning a dance.
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3rd June 2018, 12:11
s_pugh, I take it that was a dig at me. No problem. I only come here to try to help others in difficulty. I have never asked for a hint. I am clearly in the minority in hoping people won’t offer information that is misleading. Taking the posts in question at face value would have rendered the puzzle insoluble. No matter, I’ll get my coat. Good luck all
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3rd June 2018, 12:26
Sorry, it wasn't meant as a dig at anyone - I just noted that someone had been pulled up earlier for misguidance and was trying to avoid the same. Apologies if it came across that way, I was only trying to assist someone, I'll not make that mistake again.
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3rd June 2018, 12:33
Rad - same in mine. But where's the giant? It's there, but is it fair?
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