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3rd June 2018, 09:01
Hi Keepatit, yes the wiggle may end in a numbered cell, but otherwise can go through no numbered cells except the start
41 of 186  -   Report This Post


3rd June 2018, 09:02
Colophon - 16 is an anagram of curries - us.
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3rd June 2018, 09:05
Exactly, Meursault. I do wish people wouldn't post misleading or downright wrong information on here. Very unfair on those who are struggling. I defy anyone to have a solution without any wiggles ending in numbered squares. The first wiggle, for example
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3rd June 2018, 09:10
It may be that the use of the word "edge-adjacent" in the preamble has been misinterpreted as meaning both adjacent and at the edge of the square/octagon. But it just means with a common side, rather than merely touching at the corner.
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3rd June 2018, 09:13
Yes, I think you're right. And my last sentence in comment 40 falls into that category : confusing 2 different issues. Ignore it please.
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3rd June 2018, 09:23
No worries, Meursault. And lib is a common Latin abbreviation for liber
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3rd June 2018, 09:32
What a tough one, not helped by my iPad playing up so I don't have access to my Chambers and Bradfords on it. I'm making slow progress, helped enormously by the clarification of 'edge adjacent' - thanks. Am I correct in thinking that the soccer player in 14 is an official rather than a team member?
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3rd June 2018, 09:33
No, planks, it is a player, not an official
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3rd June 2018, 09:36
Drat. thanks keepatit.
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3rd June 2018, 09:39
Planks, 14 is not an attacker or midfielder. Can anyone help with 21 and 24?
Totally stumped with this one, as I have been for most of the puzzles this year.
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