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2nd June 2018, 22:05
Thanks Meursault - there's me not practicing what I preach and not reading the full BRB entry for jelly! I now happily have a full house of cold solved answers, so I think it's time to get 'jellied' and revisit tomorrow morning. Other sedatives are available .....
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2nd June 2018, 22:11
Meursault - thanks for pointing me to Onelook. I too now have theme and alias.
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2nd June 2018, 22:48
Phew! Finished! Once I figured out the 16-letter 'nature of the match' it fell into place quickly
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3rd June 2018, 07:07
Oh dear! If GELID is right for 12, then it has no common letters with what I have for 17. Please advise
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3rd June 2018, 08:00
GELID is 100% correct. 17a is one of the hardest clues. Def is ISLAMIST.
Book = a 3-letter abbreviation. Soldiers = 2-letter acronym commonly used in cryptics.
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3rd June 2018, 08:18
Rad, are you sure a wiggle can end in a numbered cell? Surely, after its initial letter, all letters have to be in edge-adjacent cells
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3rd June 2018, 08:30
A wiggle cannot use a numbered cell after the start. To do so it would use three cells of the octagon or square.

I thought 12 very unfair. The punctuation and word order lead to JELLIED not GELID. Poor.
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3rd June 2018, 08:53
There is too much cold solving in the first stage of this one for it to feel like a crossword yet; however, I think I only need to get two more (assuming I am right in thinking 8 is a an &lit). Any hints for 16 and 23?
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3rd June 2018, 08:56
Please explain why a wiggle cannot finish in a numbered cell and satisfy the preamble. I concede that it cannot have a numbered cell part way through, but it can clearly end in one. Rad #23 is quite correct
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3rd June 2018, 08:58
Dylan, I think 17 is Talib, though it's by no means obvious even with the help on here. I've never referred to a book as a lib, nor known anyone else do so...which gives you an L in common with 12.

I preferred Barmy...

You're right to stress that the wiggles must be (after the start) in edge-adjacent cells
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