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3rd June 2018, 12:52
With Sabre I don't think it's worth questioning whether it's fair or not. He often borders on unfairness, though in this case I think it's just about fair, just devilishly difficult.

Much earlier today I suspected what part of the three-word phrase was but I couldn't make sense of the last word. Now I have treated the only unclued octagon I have I get a result that fits in an unclued square. One of my entries was wrong, so I now have the third word. With a bit of luck I might finish today, but the whole thing is so wretchedly tedious I might 14 until tomorrow.
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3rd June 2018, 13:23
Meursault, thanks for the BEE but it doesn't go with the two letters I already have to make any sort of sense. I think I'm going to give up. I've solved all the other 5-letter clues but I can't get anything for wiggle 9, so I'm clearly out of my depth - no doubt everything would fall into place if I had an extra 13 letters to play with.

There must be lots of keen 100%-ers gnashing their teeth. On the Other Forum there are only two who report success. I'm glad not to be in the ranks of the ultra-competitive.
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3rd June 2018, 13:27
Keepatit and S_Pugh are two of the most experienced solvers and losing either from the forum would be a blow. Keepatit has helped me greatly a couple of times when I've not been able to get hold of a paper, and S_Pugh's guidance has been usually very good.
Shake hands...
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3rd June 2018, 13:37
Hi Saoralba, for 8 I have BERNE; for the 9th wiggle I have an alternative spelling for someone from Siam (but modern name) and 3 letter term for 'cook and serve'. Even if you have only the first 3 letters, the snake should be easy enough to find.

I think there are a couple of people on this forum who've said that they've finished. Once you can begin to fill up the grid, the process isn't that difficult, so long as you're careful and follow the rules. I'm struggling to find the time today, but will definitely come back to it...
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3rd June 2018, 13:41
I was wondering about those "extra 13 letters." I misunderstood you.
Clue 9 is a white wine, anagram of : rum each if bill
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3rd June 2018, 13:54
If CAPA ends at sq 3 the message appears to start CAE (or CAA), which has flummoxed me

Any nudges on that?
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3rd June 2018, 13:54
I now have about 30% of the grid pencilled in, though with so much rubbing out that I'm nearly through the paper in places. I think I may have the last word of the 16 letter match. I'm totally stuck on a couple, a hint for either 3 or 10 would be greatly appreciated.

I do hope keepatit hasn't really left!
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3rd June 2018, 14:03
3 Lose first letter of “leapt out” to give a common word for a car crash.
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3rd June 2018, 14:05
Planks, think RAF crash as often used in postwar films
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3rd June 2018, 14:07
Planks - for 3 think perhaps RAF slang for mishap - a wizard one perhaps. 10 is classic crossword princess, though the tax was a surprise to me so check the definition in the BRB for 3 letters of the princess in reverse. I get the impression there's a few people a bit tetchy today, combination of muggy weather and a very challenging solve perhaps.

For anyone struggling what I found useful was to reprint the grid somewhat larger - technically no different but maybe makes things clearer. Coloured highlighters made the wiggly ones easier to trace.
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