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2nd June 2018, 21:02
Meursault - Dench is in the BRB (Rev 13th ed). Also hidden in there is 'Kingo' which one online dictionary also cites as meaning awesome or excellent. Mean trick I think there. I have all bar 2 (12 and 17) cold solved and have given up just about, too many variables for my liking.
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2nd June 2018, 21:10
Meursault, I think 13 is just a rather strained &lit. What the academics of those cities would say is best left to the imagination.

I have plausible wiggles for the two S-words and the two T-words but it's of no use in the area I'm striuggling with.

The alias seems to end in -----X -----X, but nothing comes up on Google.
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2nd June 2018, 21:11
A wiggle can end in a numbered square, but none of its interior letters can be in a numbered square since that would make 3 cells in common with a Square or Octagon.
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2nd June 2018, 21:28
Sairalba, I took your -----x -----x and added in a T to the 3rd letter. Something wiggly came up on onelook...
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2nd June 2018, 21:43
Could anyone confirm if 12 is GELID? And if so why other than it means cold - can't parse otherwise! My brain hurts.
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2nd June 2018, 21:44
Belated correction : Saoralba !
Don't give up, S_Pugh, after all the hard grind I think the fitting together provides a little entertainment...
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2nd June 2018, 21:49
I don't get it yet, but I think 'you catch' means it's a homophone; so sounds like GELID meaning sedated?

13 is KABUL? I get the A-B-U but not the KL

I think I know the theme and definitely the alias, but none of the unclued entries have occurred to me as yet. I think I know the last word of the 3-word phrase form the squares
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2nd June 2018, 21:53
I thought homophone too but still don't get it! KL is Kuala Lumpur around A-B-U, whole def is capital. Not helped by KL being a capital as well!
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2nd June 2018, 21:57
But then Sabre has similar 'form' with 8 .....
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2nd June 2018, 21:59
As Saoralba said, the K & L of Kabul seem to be &lit.
Jellied can be : under the influence of Temazapam (which is a sedative).
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