Hi Bananabean, it seems that you're well ahead this week: well done, even if you started on Friday.
I started this afternoon and have done the cold solving, maybe 80%. About half the clues are easy. Occasionally the answers (unentered so far) for previous clues have been helpful (eg, knowing from Gurrah that the central letter was G helped enormously with the search for ??GAE for 15). Likewise Agate and Atabeg...
I'm only now coming to grips with entering values into cells. Is my understanding correct that eg CAPA must vacate square 2 after just 2 letters ? If so, I'd assume that it spends 2 letters in octagon 7 (one of which is shared with a cell of square 2) and ends in square 3.
And can the answer to 17 really be barmy ?