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2nd June 2018, 19:14
Not 'barmy'. Think of another word for paintings. Then think what your blood does sometimes.

So far I also have about 80% solved but only two octagons completed. If this were a conventional grid, wouldn't 14 be disallowed as it has no checked letters?
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2nd June 2018, 19:17
Sorry, I was thinking of 26.
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2nd June 2018, 19:33
Hi Saoralba, good to hear from you again. Yes, I have 26, and you're absolutely right, my blood does it too much...though surely 17 is barmy ?

14 Wiggle is efs. I no longer know what is permissible.

Another clue I'm hesitant about is 13. It makes sense to me that the answer is ?ABU? but then I have to use letters 1 and 5 both as part of the wordplay and part of the definition.
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2nd June 2018, 19:36
The answer to 17 is not barmy but this puzzle is making me barmy.
Think army (2) then book (3)

Have you solved 11?
Link in golden chain is clinking (5)
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2nd June 2018, 19:55
Thanks Bananabean. Do you mean army followed by biblical book ? That would be ironic.

No, I don't have 11. My most recent thought was 'RINGS'. And TCD gives a ring as a part of chain mail. But then 'golden' isn't explained...
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2nd June 2018, 20:00
No, not necessarily biblical

I think the A and P in the Wiggle starting at 2 must be in the answer to 7 but then the last letter has to be in 3 which then can't fit with 8. Does that make any sense? If so what is wrong?
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2nd June 2018, 20:11
Makes perfect sense

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2nd June 2018, 20:16
What is the definition? I can see DENCH is hidden but is it clinking?
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2nd June 2018, 20:23
Bananabean, I fear that there is going to be a lot of this. But as for CAPA, I agree that it should likely end in square 3, assuming that the first A is the shared letter between 2 & 7 (at the moment there is still the possibility that the wiggle travels NE and not SE). Having gone into 7, then the P must be the NE section, since there is no P in 10. The shared cell between 3 & 8 must be N, so the second A of CAPA must be one of the top cells of 3.
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2nd June 2018, 20:39
I see online that there is rapper usage of 'Dench' as 'excellent' and under 'clinking' in TCD there is a definition of 'excellent' (slang). Hardly obvious unless you're into some gangland culture, I'd say...
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