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27th February 2018, 11:30
Grid completed with just (i) highlight a hidden word......, to do. Any hints gratefully received.
81 of 97  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 11:38
Found it ! As so often happens just after posting.
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27th February 2018, 14:30
Enjoyed this one, steady progress with a few PDMs, but the 'hidden' word seems to me to be in p[l]ain sight....
83 of 97  -   Report This Post


28th February 2018, 07:52
Still struggling with the last few clues on this one. For the life of me can’t get 36A and 26D. Any hints would be welcome. Also is 9D a jumbled entry clue? Still recovering from the previous puzzle which I only finally completed at the weekend!
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28th February 2018, 08:56
Hi Goshawk. 9d is not jumbled, but 36 is.
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28th February 2018, 09:05
Goshawk - for 36a look up the word shop in Chambers - definition 5. 26d Greek island is Cos, surrounding Asian Muslims Moro giving an archipelago off East African coast.
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28th February 2018, 09:06
36a is jumbled. Have you noticed all the jumbles end on O. Think prison.
26d is an archipelago. Not jumbled.
9d is an old fashioned term for a card “game”. The old name does not appear as a pleural in my Chambers but its slightly more modern counterpart does. You must enter the old term as a pleural.
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28th February 2018, 12:44
Thanks, everyone, for those hints. I now have all the jumbles. Now to decide on the removed extra words, which judging from earlier posts are not easy in some cases to determine.
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28th February 2018, 13:29
Oops. Think I’ve gone wrong somewhere in NE corner. Can’t find a word that will fit 19A. I have AO-TIT. I need a nudge to solve 19A please.
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28th February 2018, 13:36
Hi Goshawk, 19A definition is 'of vessel'; think blood vessel. Greek as in Attic. Maybe you have a problem with 9D. That is Tarocs.
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