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26th February 2018, 17:28
6Ac Definition = TIPPLE . If you remember the old advertising slogan for milk "Drink a P_ _ _ _ milk a day", then move a one letter word for before from right to left

16D is jumbled. Definition = volcanic opening. I looked up fumarole in Bradford's. Sailors is an abbreviation for their service, usual one letter abbreviation for island, include in a HOT + O(f)

25D Not jumbled. Def = old actor. Empty g(az)e and put the two remaining letters in a 4 letter word for brilliant that might be used to describe a performer.
61 of 97  -   Report This Post


26th February 2018, 17:29
16a provides the definition of the last jumble plus an extra letter at the end.
26d is indeed jumbled. An unusual word for volcanic vent and linked to the B extra word.
25d is the outer letters of gaze in a word for (someone who is) brilliant.
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26th February 2018, 17:51
Thank you very much, Turast and Smithsax. I had the word for 6A but stupidly didn't see the connection with the Milk Slogan. Will head for Mrs. Bradford and "fumarole" now!
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26th February 2018, 17:52
Interesting, Rrrobbo, and I'm sure it was pleasant for you to be able to remember so fondly. But what did they call him ? Anders Keps ? I remember from visits to a Scandinavian City several decades ago, there was a cartoon called Anders Aan. Basically translated 'different to', ie alternative humour. One cartoon consisted of 3 frames : 1) someone remarking that the glass is half full, 2) someone remarking that the glass is half empty, 3) someone asking why the glass is twice as big as it should be...encapsulated Nordic humour.
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26th February 2018, 18:01
Not to be confused with Anders And. Who was Donald Duck. (?)
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26th February 2018, 18:42
Ah, Scandinavian humour. Not easy to find, let alone understand. They used the same name and I found it all rather bizarre. He had some lovely old posters advertising the shows, along with his other works. You can find him on the web together with one or two of his other more known performances on You Tube. For the older generation he was a bit of a national treasure. He even let me win at golf 8-).
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26th February 2018, 18:43
And they LOVE Donald Duck. He has his own special every Christmas!
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26th February 2018, 18:46
One last clue is eluding me.
34A Rapid move just missing line reviewed by director.
I have a couple of possibles but not at all sure, so would appreciate a hint. Thanks.
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26th February 2018, 18:58
Samovar - this one is in OED not BRB. Definition is rapid move (it's a specialist word in a particular sport). Four letter word for "just" as in not enough, reviewed means reversed by one letter short form for director.
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26th February 2018, 19:00
.... "just" has a letter removed as in line.
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