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25th February 2018, 11:32
pkd. Thanks! I had completely forgotten about 36A and was determined to find P****A which would have completed all the other words. When will I learn, read the instructions 'completes SET of extra words'
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25th February 2018, 12:40
Thanks essira, one day I will learn that when a "word" doesn't look like a word, it is one. The preamble does prove dreadfully distracting though - i.e. mostly non-words.
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25th February 2018, 15:17
I'm just stuck on 10a and the cartoon character. Is there a person called Anthony Phe?go? And is the character in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line? Thanks.
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25th February 2018, 15:56
Orson - look up Anthony in the dictinary. Diagonal
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25th February 2018, 16:17
There's nothing in the dictionary under Anthony that fits PHE?GO. Thanks anyway, gem94.
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25th February 2018, 16:22
In Chambers, under Anthony there is a very relevant entry - honest! Remember what a number of entries are.
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25th February 2018, 16:27
Phe?go is a jumble. The original is hyphenated.
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25th February 2018, 16:38
St Anthony's fire, I suppose, but Chambers gives the required entry as to do with daylight and that is a skin inflamation. Also I was slow getting it because the ODE list I was using does not mention it. So unless I've missed something it seems an unsaftisfactory clue. Thanks again.
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25th February 2018, 16:40
Of course the clue doesn't refer to itself so I suppose it's OK!
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25th February 2018, 16:44
Ho for house, GP for doctor, EN for nurse. A home for the runt of the litter.
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