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25th February 2018, 07:08
Car and roller sharing the front of Rank.
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25th February 2018, 09:32
struggling with the 3 extra instructions - probably because I seem to have found too many extra words. The ones I think are the across ones begin (in clue order) WECN, but then I have 2 additional possibilities both beginning with O. A helpful nudge would be greatly appreciated! I'm assuming one of the 3 instructions resolves an ambiguity in a down clue, but other than relating it to an extra word in the down clues, I'm baffled.
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25th February 2018, 10:04
Hi Gitto, I think WECN is correct for the across clues. I don't see the possibilities for Os. I thought the first word of 14 was redundant also...

Carrying out instruction (iii) resolves the ambiguity in the entry for 16D.

I still have an unfilled cell in 20A. I don't have a bookcase stacked with dictionaries, so I'm wondering how to complete that entry. Any assistance there would be welcome.
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25th February 2018, 10:15
Hi Meursault,

I think 20a is CHOLO, chow without w and lo for see.

I agree with WECN. For the downs I have CFB and then I can't decide if the next one is L or H. No idea on the connection, though, or the letter to change
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25th February 2018, 10:19
I have CBLH for the down clues? I could be wrong of course.
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25th February 2018, 10:24
Hi Planks,

I got F from 7d. I did it as "cut omits alien's ending" with the f-word as the extra word? That left me with the L and H to decide between.
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25th February 2018, 10:30
Hi pkd, I had that 'f' word too, but then couldn't find a thematic connection so opted for both L and H. I don't understand how 7ac works with the F in it, but then I am a bear of very little brain! Perhaps somebody could explain, please?
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25th February 2018, 10:30
Yes, 20a is defintely CHOLO and in clue order the extra words in down clues are CFBL (L from 23d). What connection there can possibly be for the 8 extra words remains a mystery as they seem completely random to me....
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25th February 2018, 10:34
Thanks PKD. I had 1D wrong, having used epic, not epos : which gave me problems with 20A. Even so, I'd considered Cholo, though that's an offensive word isn't it ? But thanks anyway, that's obviously correct as far as the puzzle goes.

My down extra words were CBLM. Wasn't sure whether the last would be M or H...I think the F is required in 7.

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25th February 2018, 10:35
Hi Planks,

Thank you, I can see it is both L and H and not F. First in 7d means the first appearance of the letter N in cut so it is not an extra word. Still can't find any connection with the extra words, though
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