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25th February 2018, 23:46
Rather late, but anyone still there!? SOS for 18d please.
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26th February 2018, 06:31
audi-en------cia = government court
car w(en)t spies
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26th February 2018, 06:52
Thanks. I'm kicking myself.
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26th February 2018, 10:34
Monday is late? It's early for me.

I thought this was rather clever. Agreed, it had a lot to live up to, but I was impressed the way the theme did not jump out quickly considering how obvious it would be if you knew the words. Anyway, I'm actually a wee bit confused on 32d. I cant work out the actual answer and I have all the others in the theme. I know what it represents, but that leaves me with 3x 4 letter word options (not long enough) and 1x5 letter word option which does not have an O in it, which I have as the last letter. It does not help that I dont have 24, 30 (a possible ending HE) and 39 and it did not help at all that I had PARESIS for so long! But I cant see what else it can be beginning with PAG. Maybe I have 31d wrong...........

Nudge on any one of them please
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26th February 2018, 10:50
32d is a word for a Shah

Wordplay is a one letter abbreviation for Has

and a 6 letter word for spoils (as in spoils of war) with the 2 letter country code for Turkey removed at the front of that word.

It is then jumbled and does end in O.
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26th February 2018, 10:54
I'm not sure why you abandoned PARESIS, rrrobbo. Perhaps you need to look again at 31d
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26th February 2018, 11:14
I can see it might be a little auk-ward if you don't have 30a, though
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26th February 2018, 12:23
Doh! I did have that Awkward flyer, but could not commit to it with the others I had. The data source I used for checking had the last letter of 32d needing an I and not an O. I now see the dual spellings.

All good now. Thanks for the push over the line.
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26th February 2018, 12:27
PS. I lived in Sweden for 5 years next door to the Swedish guy who played the cartoon character out there. Lovely man, darling wife. Sadly died a couple of years ago after we had left Sweden. Happy reminder of some lovely memories.
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26th February 2018, 16:57
Much later than anyone else, I am stuck on :
6A Tipple from drink, before travelling west.
16D Sailors on island stifled by heat of volcanic opening.
25D Vacant gaze disturbs brilliant old actor.
I think a couple of them may be jumblies.
Very grateful for any hints.
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