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27th January 2018, 18:12
Yes, DJA, I enjoyed this puzzle very much. There was a while after solving about a dozen across clues when I was thinking, "And ?", but then intuition came more to the fore. Different types of solving within the same puzzle. I think that's 4 straight good puzzles to start 2018...
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27th January 2018, 19:32
I've almost filled the grid, discovered 1A and what has to happen in 48A to give the final position ... but do the dropped letters have any significance? If so I can't see it.
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27th January 2018, 20:28
Yes, the dropped letters have meaning related to the theme (otherwise 10d is ambiguous). Write them underneath the grid column by column.
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28th January 2018, 08:15
Finally cold solved all the clues, got the theme for 1A (thanks to buzzb), now only got 48A to do, but I can't make any sense of the 2,4,3,5 letters. I also have a possibility of a 2 word phrase - is hunger anything to do with it?
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28th January 2018, 09:01
No hunger isn’t anything to do with it.

You can email me if you want the instruction. I don’t mind sharing but people might not want to know on here just yet.
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28th January 2018, 09:30
Thanks dj, but I'll persevere for now, I must be nearly out of all the anagrams for the instruction!!!
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28th January 2018, 09:36
One of the words in the instruction is prominent in a leading place in the puzzle.
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28th January 2018, 09:44
Thanks Meursault - only just saw your post as after Daniel had confirmed that I was on track with the + entries I thought I'd see if sleeping on it helped. It didn't! You have confirmed my * entries are right - knowing word 1 is an article was most helpful as it helped a lot with word 2. Now I have an idea of the theme (which I've heard of but know little about) I'll see what I can dig up.
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28th January 2018, 10:50
Could someone please confirm that there is a blank in the top row so that I can sit back and marvel at a positively brilliant puzzle.
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28th January 2018, 11:07
Yes 1 blank
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