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27th January 2018, 15:13
TEA is a program which helps you search to complete answers, solve anagrams, etc. See the Crossword Centre website for a link
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27th January 2018, 15:38
I second meursault’s advice. Pencilling in the down letter options in 1a and 48 was a big help.

I know the entry, so perhaps moot, but could someone give me a hint on 21d? Thanks.
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27th January 2018, 15:56
Riversk, 6 letter river minus doctor.
Cold solved all but 12 clues and still completely clueless!!
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27th January 2018, 16:07
Some of the down entries become real words only after the final thematic adjustment. Just pencil in what you think is right and wait.

There are ambiguities to the characters to leave out that can only be resolved by understanding the theme.

Keep in mind that you are facing one of the most challenging Listener setters. If you can get a copy of his earlier Symphonie Bathetique, you should do so. Absolutely brilliant.
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27th January 2018, 16:36
Thanks, gitto Clearly what was meant to be done. Careless of me to have missed it.
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27th January 2018, 16:59
Amazing puzzle. I thought I’d never get the theme but then pennies started dropping.
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27th January 2018, 17:06
I'm glad yours started dropping! Despite managing to cold solve all of the clued entries I've been staring blankly at what I have for hours, and the two phrases make no sense at all. I'm guessing the theme must be something totally off my radar.
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27th January 2018, 17:15
Email me s-Pugh if you want help as people might not want theme given away yet.
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27th January 2018, 18:01
Hi S_Pugh, though DJA will have been able to help you 121, the posters on here represent only a subsection. And this is quite a difficult one. So I'll give some limited assistance by confirming the * letters. They are CEMEYLGANIDANO. In considering 2,6,6 : make the first word an article.
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27th January 2018, 18:03
Hi Meursault

Did you enjoy this one?

A feat of construction for sure.

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