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21st January 2018, 22:06
Thank you drxx.
71 of 127  -   Report This Post


21st January 2018, 22:11
Hi drxx

Is there a specific method to recycle the letters or is it just trial and error for each entry?
72 of 127  -   Report This Post


21st January 2018, 22:46
The letters on each diagonal line (in the direction given by the message) are shuffled to produce new words. In the corner there's just the one (which obviously stays the same) then it's a choice of two - three - four, and so on.... back to one again at the opposite corner. It's a bit like an extended sudoku and gets pretty tedious.
It's not helped by the limited alphabet - and using lots of high frequency letters. I think the setter has made it as difficult as he/she could.
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21st January 2018, 22:49
Thanks a lot.
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21st January 2018, 22:57
Sorry i'm being very thick here and not following at all...for instance in the bottom left corner diagonals i have
I PI L ... i suppose pi is a word ?
R STS E ..... could make rests?
F ILLR S....frills
S TEEEA S ... can't make anything out of those?

What am i doing wrong?
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21st January 2018, 23:17
Bunty, two of the lines you've given are incorrect. I think you might have a wrong answer in that corner.
You have to ignore the letters around the edges of the grid - they don't move.
All you know at the outset is that the down entry ends in ..... I N (g) because the diagonal line above the N has two x I, the next letter above these has to be either of the two x S, or the T... then it's a choice between P L(x2) and R.
You have a lot of juggling to do by the time you get to the centre diagonal.
Hope this helps.
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21st January 2018, 23:22
Bunty - I see what you've done. You've missed the * at 24dn*. These jumbled clues have unchecked letters that are NOT in alphabetic order (swap your I and L).
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21st January 2018, 23:28
did you mean the I and P?
Thanks ... i'll have a better look again tomorrow at the "sorting"
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21st January 2018, 23:33
Yes, sorry about that - I was looking at my final grid.
Good luck with it.
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22nd January 2018, 13:11
Hi all, I have been dipping into this on and off and have resisted logging on until now. Ihavea full grid and have checked and double checked my original entries but can't make the final sort work. I have 'uptown' at 36d, but can't get anything sensible for 29a. Any help much appreciated.
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