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24th January 2018, 21:19
As I am still at the beginning, could someone help me with
19Ac Violently swat with speed to repel troublesome wasps- or use this ?
111 of 127  -   Report This Post


24th January 2018, 21:33
Anagram of swat + speed (minus wasps)

Gives an insecticide
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24th January 2018, 21:46
Thank you very much, djawhufc.
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25th January 2018, 06:24
I have been staring at 15ac for days now. Please put me out of my misery.
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25th January 2018, 06:39
Biggus, it's e(ni)geria.
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25th January 2018, 06:41
Thank you, Muraria, you're a gem. I was horribly sidetracked by 'ins' for 'insurance'...
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25th January 2018, 18:33
Being miles behind I'm still trying to finish the grid let alone making any changes!
If anyone's still there could you help me with:
12D Fish by river Isis using this ?
18D He leaves the border tidy
9D Republican, entering fourth stage, expressed surprise.
Also I have R-r-l (Dewy) for 3D, but think it must be a mistake because there's no way it can cross with the available letters for 16A.
Could you point me in the right direction?
Thanks very much.
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25th January 2018, 18:39
12 reel (Isis is extra)
9d phrased (surprise is extra)
18d trim- he leaves The Rim

Look up roral for 3D
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25th January 2018, 19:24
Thank you so much. djawhufc. Roral is what I had for 3D but couldn't make it fit. I will try again.
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25th January 2018, 20:05
if you're still there, djawhufc, I'm afraid I need more help. Could you be really kind and tell me how I should enter 16A Ptarmic and 11A Screed.
I must have made some mistakes as I just can't make them fit.
I do apologise for getting in such a confusion !

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