Hi Samovar,
7D : both the definition and the wordplay involve Spanish words, making this quite a difficult clue for anyone who doesn't speak Spanish, so I'll just give you the answer in this case. Barrico - C in Barrio. cafe is extra.
9D : echo is extra, buzz as in vernacular for ring up. anag once inside p for pressure and a 4 letter word for chamber.
22D : Dear = cher, boy = son, see anagrammed gives a synonym for peninsula. Gower Peninsula a beautiful place in S Wales.
28D : CE (for chief engineer), y (at last closely), within an anagram of image, and finally an s (special). Whole thing a kind of cathode ray tube, plural.
12A : anag of C and Le Mans. Old word for eases.
31A : surfing is extra. Let as in serve tipping the net in tennis, also old form a verb, board as in flat surface with 4 legs...