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7th January 2018, 10:31
Hi Planks - no extra word in either of those - both 'contribute' to thematic items
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7th January 2018, 10:52
Gooing insane with 4A 3 letters towards and only one possible entry that makes no sense at all.
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7th January 2018, 11:00
Many thanks s_pugh, that helps.
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7th January 2018, 11:30
4a is a capital city 8 letters

The first 5 are in first cell and contribute 5 of 6 to a thematic item.

Capital city starts with m

Primate in wordplay is ape of 4 letters starting m ending a
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7th January 2018, 16:11
Way too tough for me I think but I have a few and will stumble on a while. To help, could you confirm if the crowded cells actually share common letters (I assume not as a rule from the 3D check) and is there more than one crowded cell in some answers? Don’t answer if it gives too much away! Thanks.
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7th January 2018, 16:13
There is only one crowded cell in any answer.

They do not share common letters in their answers but when the letters from each individual answer are combined they spell a thematic item
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7th January 2018, 21:16
Plodding along... Don't understand about the removed words - A=1......?
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7th January 2018, 21:44
Ethik - I find it helps to list the alphabet down and place a 1 to the right of the A, 2 to the right of the B etc and then put a 27 to the left of the A, 28 to the left of the B etc. When you have solved a clue and have the extra word and the solution word just take the first letters of both and add them together - so (e.g.) N + P = 14 + 16 = 30 and 30 on the left column = D. Hope this helps!
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7th January 2018, 21:53
^ Down as in a vertical column.
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7th January 2018, 21:55
Many thanks! I only have a poor O-level in maths....
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