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8th January 2018, 18:20
Well, the setter combined 2 different themes, and as you say, did it in a symmetrical way, which I think qualifies this as 'elegant'. And as various people have commented, the clues were quite good. The end result was a great improvement on some of the puzzles by neophyte setters in the last couple of years.

So this sets the bar for Listener 2018. Many of the good setters have gone now. It is the challenge for the newer setters to meet their standards...

I see that the depths of aestheticism are being plumbed by some of the other community. Which was the best puzzle of 2017 ? Oh for goodness sake, get a life. Perhaps one not so grandiose ?
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9th January 2018, 09:55
Maryf, you say 'no ambiguities', but I don't get the bit in the preamble about entering the Bs 'in thematic order', what does this mean, please?
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9th January 2018, 10:26
I think it means they have to be entered in the order in which they became "quiet guests".
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9th January 2018, 10:44
Thanks smartie, but does it matter if this is horizontally or vertically...?
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9th January 2018, 13:06
In terms of genealogy it might make sense to have the 41 above the 43, but I doubt that it matters provided the 41 comes first.
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9th January 2018, 13:58
Guess so, thanks Meursault and all.....
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9th January 2018, 13:59
Hello and Happy New Year to all.
I did not think I would be able to say this but I have completed the grid and hope that someone will be able to help me to parse three clues.
7a Husband engaging a second local worker
41a Towers situated behind the centre of Russian [zone]
18d Expert in confusion had opened up [Windows]
Also in terms of the replacements, are these simply numbers or perhaps the letter given by the number using the system explained in the preamble? Or perhaps something else that I have not thought of!
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9th January 2018, 14:46
Happy New Year, Catkin.
7a baron (husband) engaging per, s
41a haram is variant of harem (forbidden), bee
18d one-er (expert) in pie (confusion), d (had)
The replacements, as I understand it, are simply the numbers relating to the names, from 2 for JA to 43 for the second B
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9th January 2018, 14:55
Thanks Meursault.
I was nearly there with 18d but didn't see the pie/confusion link. The clue I still don't get is 41a (Towers situated behind the centre of Russian.) Anyone to help with this?
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9th January 2018, 14:57
Sorry, I read the wrong clue. Situated behind = Rear, centre of Russian = s. Towers is definition, as in rears up.
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