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5th January 2018, 17:18
Already I'm worried! I have a perfectly good answer for 1ac, needing no extra letters, but I can't see that it has an unnecessary word in the clue.
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5th January 2018, 18:55
You're not being ignored, Dylan. I think the majority of people here don't even see Listener until Saturday morning.
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5th January 2018, 21:13
It's early days yet, and I've solved about half of it. But I've had the PDM and I reckon there are two cells "doing double duty". Anyone agree?
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5th January 2018, 21:47
Smartarse posts too quickly. With 3/4 done I see that the preamble is correct: there's only one "double duty". One day I'll learn to engage brain before fingers. Sorry! And apologies to Schadenfreude and the Editors.
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6th January 2018, 12:54
All done now, although I got the theme relatively early on this still posed a difficult challenge for me. Very good clues, excellent construction, and even though the when the letters of the instruction became apparent, spotting the extra words was still very difficult. A Listener that I have really enjoyed.
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6th January 2018, 14:55
Agreed, it was a good one, compliments to Schadenfreude. Not absolutely clear why the preamble refers to the order of entry in the 'double duty' cell, would it not be perverse to have them any other way...? Or is there something I have missed as between vertical and horizontal?
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6th January 2018, 15:03
Would it be perverse to repeat my original request? - !ac seems to give a nice 4 letter answer, but I can't see an extra word in the clue. Help please!
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6th January 2018, 15:24
Dylan, there isn't an extra word, one of the letters of the answer contributes to a thematic item.
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6th January 2018, 15:51
I think the 'double duty' reference is there simply as a warning to select the correct replacement number for one of the quiet guests, such that it fits into the number sequence, i.e. the 2nd 'occurrence' not the 1st for one of the H's.
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6th January 2018, 16:10
Thanks s_pugh, I was thinking of two recent Bs who need, I think, to go in the same cell.
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