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6th January 2018, 16:17
I agree with you greengage, as both B's fit the preamble, but one of the H's doesn't.
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6th January 2018, 16:20
Sorry, I meant instruction, not preamble, in my previous post.
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6th January 2018, 16:21
I see what you mean with the B's - not really clear there is it? It'd be a bit congested in there with both 41 and 43 but I guess that is what he is after.
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6th January 2018, 18:07
Happy new year everyone. I think this one will take me all week. I like to clear up the problems as I come across them - I don’t understand the reference to “key producer” = ash in 30dn. Thanks.
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6th January 2018, 18:37
Unclued - look at the first definition of key in the BRB
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6th January 2018, 18:47
Happy New Year, Unclued, and all the other CHF regulars, and not forgetting our hosts, Ash and Norah. I've yet to solve 30D, and likely won't have any more time on this until some time Monday.

Dylan, the straight answer to your question is that the last cell of PAIK clashes with the first cell of POLYGLOTT. Which isn't a TCD entry, but is part of a list of names.
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6th January 2018, 19:38
Mersault, this can't really be a spoiler since ASH in 30d is referred to by you and your two predecessors in this thread.

We are still struggling with a few and the exact message remains unclear.
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6th January 2018, 20:05
Thanks Reynard. It was certainly well hidden among the definitions. I have the theme and it certainly helps the solving of some of the other clues.
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6th January 2018, 23:08
Another top puzzle from Schadenfreude. Tough clues but I never ground to a halt. Lots of thematic material and an unambiguous endgame. That in itself is something to be applauded.
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7th January 2018, 09:54
Morning all, I have the theme and much of the grid filled but I seem to have ground to a halt in the SE corner. Do either 28d or 22d contain an extra word?
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